Hi there! You are looking at the majority of my makeup collection. Yeap, that's it. I don't exactly use makeup every single day of the week, but when I have loads of time to get ready and if I feel like exerting more effort and care about how I look, I do wear some. I do not tend to hoard makeup products and splurge on high end ones. As much as I want to get my hands on some Mac foundation or Chanel lipstick, if you're a working student like me, you'll understand. For now I'm fully content with my little collection of cheap drugstore makeup. I have to say, they all do a very good job. So in an ordinary day, I would go for this "no makeup, but I want to look alive and still natural" makeup look. Haha. I learned to do this through YouTube tutorials. I'm telling you, you can learn so much from YouTube.
I use the darkest shade of brown from the Bodyshop eyeshadow palette to define my eyebrows and give structure to my face (At least that's what beauty gurus from YouTube say). The lipstick I use the most is this one from Topshop in a nude shade. I don't think there's anything more natural looking than a nude shade. Haha. The BB cream I'm using did not come from a drugstore but from the dermatologist I went to see to help treat my acne prone skin. I reaaallyy have sensitive skin so I don't really layer so much products on my face because I know my skin's going to overreact to it. But this BB cream works well with me, and sometimes when I'm feeling fancy, I use the Bourjois gel foundation. I like this foundation because it does not feel like it clogs up my pores, and it does not feel heavy on the skin. To cover up my acne scars and some discolourations, I use the Collection 2000 concealer. It definitely gives a lot of coverage and it does last a long time. But if you're unlike me and have flawless skin, skip the concealer, girl. Lucky you.
I tend to focus on defining my eyes when I put on makeup. If I have to choose which product is the most important though, I would say mascara. Mascara, especially a good one like this from Maybelline (the Falsies is really good too) does wonders. It instantly opens up my eyes and makes me look more awake. To me, I think I have "lazy" eyes. So mascara does help a lot, especially avoiding those "you look tired" comments from people.
I love reading about what other girls use for everyday makeup because it gives me ideas on which products to buy and sometimes just because I want to be nosy. I hope you somehow got something from this post too. Even just a little tiny bit?