I was never keen on migrating because I did not want to start all over again. You know what I mean? But little did I know, there is so much more ahead of me. I didn't realise that I was living in this tiny bubble and there are so much more I can, and will do, see and learn... UNTIL. I MOVED.
I would say that the best thing that I have acquired since I lived here in London is PERSPECTIVE. Stepping out of my comfort zone surely has its perks. It opened my eyes to different facets of life I haven't experienced before, and gave me, again, a perspective; and because I was given the chance to look at things in a different and wider point of view, I am able to build my beliefs, principles around it and most of all, understand.
I would say that the best thing that I have acquired since I lived here in London is PERSPECTIVE. Stepping out of my comfort zone surely has its perks. It opened my eyes to different facets of life I haven't experienced before, and gave me, again, a perspective; and because I was given the chance to look at things in a different and wider point of view, I am able to build my beliefs, principles around it and most of all, understand.
This is why I believe that everything happens for a reason. Even the things I don't want to happen has its purpose. Or I learn something from it at least.
Let me expand on this.
First, perspective on culture. The United Kingdom is a country that is extremely diverse. You can meet different people who came from all parts of the globe. Being immersed in this sea of diverse culture definitely made me learn a lot. I mean, a lot. It's actually very interesting to know about how people lived their lives in a different continent and what their values are. I wouldn't deny that I was culture shocked on my first months here. Not to mention, the struggle of understanding accents. Generally, people are polite and sometimes, overly affectionate. I was surprised a stranger called me darling after saying sorry because he bumped me in the bus. I have learned about how some cultures are the same as mine while others are completely different. Some can lay completely naked in the park, while some prefer to cover their bodies from head to toe. There are cultures who value independence and leave their home at an early age, while some value family more and live with them until they're married.
Perspective on religion. With a diversity of culture comes a diversity of religion as well. I have been surrounded by a lot of people with different beliefs and faith. Those who believe in God and those who don't. But despite all these differences, I have understood that religion is not something to be looked down upon and a reason to discriminate others. Being friends with people with different faiths disproved the negative stereotypes of people in a particular religion, and made me see we're all the same. We're all humans.
Perspective on friends. Ever since, I am very picky with friends. But since I moved here then I understood the importance of being picky. Haha. I knew the importance of surrounding myself with the right people because sooner or later I know I will become like them. Birds with the same feathers flock together, right? But most of all, since I moved here in London, I knew who my real friends are. How? Simple. My bestest friends from the Philippines who stayed and still supported me although I'm miles away, are to keep forever.
Perspective on my own country. Having the chance to stand back and look at my country from the other side of the world sure is something. I have to admit that it is very easy to just compare the Philippines to the U.K and criticise it for all the bad things going on. But at the same time, being in a western country made me proud of where I came from, because there are things in the Philippines that I could not find here. Philippines has the best mangoes, beaches and the nicest people. Above all, we value family, and having family trips, celebrations and taking care of them until they're old.
Perspective on my self. Moving here changed a part of me. I've never felt sure and confident of who I am. I learned to be independent and develop life skills. I never thought I'd be driving around London, to be honest. Haha. I learned to stand up for what I believe in, be brave and be set apart. I look at my self now and I don't regret anything.