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17 June 2015

A happy list

Life is not always rainbows and butterflies. Let's not sugarcoat it. There are times when you are just on your lows. I don't know maybe it's just the hormones or because it's the time of the month. Or I'm overthinking things too much. But sometimes, I'm not gonna lie, life can be a bitch. Sorry for the language. But here I am writing a happy list because being miserable is not attractive. I don't want to be that miserable person. Plus, I know there are good things around I just get my focus wrong sometimes. So here it goes! A list of things that make me happy.

1. SUNSHINE. The UK is bright, hot and sunny ladies and gents! This calls for a celebration. Like picnics in the park, trips to the coast or simply just wearing a dress or one layer of clothes. Finally. 

2. ANSWERED PRAYERS. Nothing beats the happiness felt when God has finally answered your prayers. Either a yes or a no. It's good to have closure and assurance that everything happens for a reason.

3. GOT MY IPHONE SCREEN FIXED. One month after I got my new neon green iPhone, I dropped it and it cracked. This happened last year, ever since then I didn't get it fixed and I had to suffer with cracked screen for almost a year. But recently, I finally saved up enough money to get it fixed. Maybe I should consider getting insurance. 

4. LEARNING NEW THINGS. I signed up to volunteer to help out in a festival. The festival showcases origins of different people from different countries showing their culture and language through several performances. Well, the perks to volunteering is I get to watch all these performances and learn something new! (and free drinks)

5. OPPORTUNITIES TO TRAVEL. I have been to several places lately. Places I have never been to before. And that satisfies my wanderlust, and that makes me happy. 

6. SLEEPING AND NOT HAVING TO SET UP THE ALARM. Knowing I can catch up on sleep and don't have to worry about waking up early the next day. Enough said. 

7. BOOKS. Having spare time to just sit in a corner and get lost in a book. 

8. 2 BROKE GIRLS. Oh that series cracks me up every time. 

9. SKIN PRODUCTS THAT WORK. My skin is very particular with skin products. It's either my skin will get better or it will breakout. But some soap and glory products I've been using lately work wonders.

10. DRIVING WITH GOOD SONGS ON THE RADIO. Every time I drive and a perfect song comes on the radio while running 60 mile per hour, excites me. Makes me feel like I am in a scene from Perks of Being a Wallflower.

How about you? What's your happy list?


  1. Yes for answered prayers and opportunities to travel!!! :)


  2. I love traveling too! I wish I can travel outside the PH too soon. God, you're so lucky!!!

    Aneth // anethfradez.com

    1. I wish I can just travel without worrying about money though!! Definitely have to work hard and save for those plane tickets :))

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. You always take the prettiest photos. And #10. Always. It instantly makes the trip 100x better. :)

    1. Thank you so much Trish!! Music definitely makes everything better <3
